Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Much Needed Break

So lately I haven't posted because I have been so busy! Last week was homecoming week so of course I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I don't think anything is more stressful throught the school year then homecoming which is even more stressful then testing week. On top of that my chemistry teacher (who is crazy!) decided to give an end of unit test which I FAILED- by the way I was so angry at myself I never fail things. So this morning I went to school at 7  to retake the quiz to get a better grade. But the thing I'm most excited about is our fall "mini" break that we are getting off monday and tuesday which is desperatly needed by most people. So over the four day weekend i will be finishing up some homework, sleeping, and hanging out with some friends nothing to stressful or crazy just laid back- which is exactly what I need.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Current Loves: Wish List Edition

these boots are so cute and would be great for fall!
I want the droid X so bad!

I can not wait to read to read this book.