Friday, April 20, 2012

Thinking about YouTube

Hey ya'll I got a new laptop hip hip horray! That's irrelevant to this post though. I have started thinging about bringing back my youtube channel. If you don't know, which you which you probably don't, a couple years back me and my friends made vlogs in my spanish class. We haven't done a vlog together in quite some time so I have just been using it as my personal page. I just know started to want to do vlogs again. I am also thinging about doing reviews, rants, and a number of things. This revamping of my channel could be anything. Right know it is kind of well empty. If you were wanting to check it out any way here is the link -

Thursday, April 12, 2012

What I Hope My Dorm Room Will Look Like

I am going to college for the first time in the fall. So naturally I am a little excited. Me and one of my best friends will be rooming together and we non-stop talk about what our dorm will look like, what our color scheme will be, and what kind of shower curtain should we get. So I decided to do a little blog post on what I want my room to look like.

First of is bedding:
I love navy and I love white. My style is preppy with a bit of quirk too it so I think this works nicely. This duvet cover is from

I really love this color and pattern. It is girly without being overly girly. You can this duvet at

Decor is up next:

A cute framed intial out of buttons is right up my alley. I found this on pinterest. It is a DIY project.

 I really love these three mustaches on canvas they just make me smile. Also a DIY project. All you need is three blank canvas and some mustache decals.

I love this it is so colorful at pretty. Yet another DIY project.

Don't forget what you'll be eating out of:

FYI you can find all these items at

I am a huge fan of It's Alway Sunny in Philadelphia so I knew when I saw these I needed them.

C'est la Vie bowl. It has a bird and a tandem bike on it. enough said.

These utensils are adorable they even come in various black and white prints.

Yet another mustache item. This is just plain cute.

So this marks the end of this post. I don't think it will be the last of its kind so keep your eyes peeled.

My Senior Pictures are Done!

A Couple weeks ago I took my senior pictures. Ya know those pictures that go in you invites to graduation. Well I was so happy with them I decided to post a few. The girl that took my pictures is Carla Downs you can find her on facebook at Carla Downs Photography!

In some of my pictures, since I like to read, had a book theme. So excited to graduate now!
Talk to ya'll later!