Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Update/ Random Ramblings

Hey guys I'm sorry for the lack of "good" post. I have been swamped  with school, life, and other equally fun and stressful things. So this post will be just another random ramblings post.
 I seriously can not wait for Christmas to roll around. It is my favorite holiday/time of year. I love Christmas music, cold weather and apple cider, but most of all I love getting all bundled up. Of course I keep it classy and wear tasteful appropriate for winter and cute clothes. Although I have been known to go to my Monday morning 9 o'clock class in sweat pants and uggs (sorry). But later on I will be doing a current favorites and a What I'm wearing this winter typed post.
So Halloween is tomorrow and I am so excited! For the costume ball my school puts on for homecoming week my friends and I went as taco bell sauce packets. We DIYed  our costumes out of oversized mens t-shirts and white duct tape. Lets just say it was more than we bargained for when it came to creating them. I'm still not sure if I am going to any parties tomorrow night or not because I have a test on Thursday but I'll just have to see how that pans out.
Thanks for reading and leave a comment down bellow say what you are going as for Halloween!

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