Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Woah, it Has Been a While

Oh my goodness it has been ages since I have had the urge to hop on and write something. What can I say, I'm a busy gal. It has been close to two years since my last post so I'll give a little update on my life. I am very much still in school, it is my final semester as an undergrad and I will be starting graduate school in the fall (fingers crossed!), I have been dating the most amazing man for the past two years that I plan on marrying after the hopeful graduation from grad school.
Me and my Love!
So let's just say that time to blog has been sparse. I was just sitting on my bed this evening and thinking,  this is my last semester and it's a pretty easy one, maybe I should start blogging before all the madness of grad school begins. So people I am back and I am going to be trying my hardest to give some love to this little neglected blog of mine.

Thanks for reading,

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