Saturday, March 17, 2012

Top Six for Spring

Spring is basiclly here in Louisana. We've had 70 degree weather for the past 2 weeks or so and I have already been laying out trying to get so color. Here is a list of 6 things I will be rocking this spring.

1. Floral Dresses- I love a cute floral dress on an easy day of shopping or hanging out with friends. They can be dressed down with a pair of wedges or sandals and a cardigan or they can be dressed up with a cute blazer and a pair of heels. So versital so easy!

2. Wedges or Espadrilles - I love heels! and these are just a comfy more spring/summer version of them. I could literally wear wedges everyday in the spring and summer if I didn't love flip flops and going barefoot (never in public, just in my house, and my car.... and my friends house's) so much.

3. A Mint Blazer - Blazer are really in this season but don't want just any old blazer. I have been lust all went for a mint blazer and you best believe I will soon be getting my hands on one.

4. Printed shorts - I really like to wear shorts because they are comfortable and let your legs breath after being holed up in your pants all winter. But printed short take shorts to a whole new level ( for me at least). Usual I have basic shorts like navy or black or white ( I don't own any denim short) and let my top do the talking but I am forseeing my self wearing a white v-neck tee a basic pair of wedges and printed shorts.

5. High-Low skirts - Yes, I know i have fallen victim to the high-low trend (or as I call them mullet skirts/dresses). I can't help myself they are just so flowy and romantic and would look good with my hair side braided.

6. Pastel Nail Polish - Usually I like to wear darker or a bit off-kilter but this spring I will be wearing more spring appropriate nail polish.

I have successfully made myself want to go shopping I how I made you want to go shopping to. talk to y'all later!

Ready to Move on!

My high school graduation is getting closer and closer and I am so ready for it. Senioritis has fully kicked in and all my classes have slowed down to a trickle. I have already started shopping for college dorm ( I know i'm ridculous. I have a shopping problem). All me and my friends talk about lately is how much fun we will have and how close yet so far away summer is.
     So I guess i'm ready to move out and meet new people and figure out what I wan to do with the rest of my life!

Current Loves!

Oh wow it has been forever since I posted one of these things. Without futher delay I will begin.

My first favorite is a book trilogy none other than the Maze Runner Trilogy. I loved the Hunger Games Trilogy as much as the next person but this trilogy has so much much more to it that just sucks you in. From the being you are left guessing as to how the main character of Thomas ends up in this place called the Glade with no memories and vague ideas of how the world works. It is an edge-of-the-seater all the way to the last sentence of the last book.

Whern I heard that China Glaze would be coming out with a line for the upcoming Hunger Games movie I got so extremely excited. Who wouldn't be, it combines to awesome things; nail polish and dystopian fiction. I have several of these polishes. FYI: I got mine at Sally's Beauty Supple for $3.50! The one I am currently wearing is Fast Track and it is a light taupey color with gloden shimmer and is absolutely gorgeous. I just took off Agro which is a metallic dark green that is amazing. Over all I am very pleased with the color selection because I like different colors but for someone who likes traditional more classic colors this collection is not for you.

Vanilla Cupcake form Yankee Candle. What can I say? This is my go to scent. I am a candle junkie so I have quite a few but this one is my absolute favorite. The smell? Well a vanilla cupcake.

 Once Upon a Time is one of my new favorite shows on ABC. It is a really interesting twist on fairytales and basiclly has every single one every all jumbled together living in the same world. It is much to complicated of a plot for me to put in to word but trust me you must watch. Comes on Sunday night on ABC at 9/8 c.
This is the eye makeup tutorial I have been following for a few weeks now and I think it is so pretty and easy to do!

Ok, well that's it for now!

So Sorry.

I know it's like i've droped off the face of the earth. I am sorry I haven't posted in forever but I promise I will start uploading regularly again. I finally got all my school stuff under control and now I only have one class i really need to worry about. So be looking for upcoming post!