Thursday, January 22, 2015

Current and All Time Loves

I enjoy switching up my make up now and again so I am about to tell you just what I have been loving to wear/ what are staples in my makeup bag.

1. I'll start with what goes under all my makeup. Since I have dry skin I need a really rich moisturizers and that is where First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream come in for the win. I cannot rave about this stuff enough. It is so stinking good and moisturizing. It gives my face life and makes it look and feel so soft. If you have dry skin you must look into this product!
Ultra Repair Cream- $30 at Sephora
2. My all time favorite under eye concealer is the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Dark Circle Treatment Concealer. Oh it's just so good and gets the job done. It's super thin while still giving good coverage and it doesn't settle into fine lines like other under eye concealers tend to do. Go get you some!
Instant Age Rewind Concealer from Maybelline - $8.99 at Ulta
3. One of my favorite eyeshadow primers to use is the Urban Decay Primer Potion, just the original one. It works very well and makes my eyeshadow vibrant and stay in place, plus I think it neutralizes the color of my eyelids.
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion - $20 at Ulta
4. I have two very favorite eyeshadow palettes that I use every time I wear makeup the first one is another product from Urban Decay, The original naked palette. I'm sure everyone and their mother has heard of this palette. It is just plain great, enough said.
Urban Decay Naked Palatte - $54 at Ulta
5. And my second favorite is the Lorac Pro palette. It is equally as beautiful as the naked palette but in my opinion more versatile because of the equal amounts of matte and shimmer shades all in totally wearable colors. It is the perfect traveling palette, you can do easy day looks and sultry night looks with it.
Lorac Pro Palette - $42 at Ulta

6. This one is an old favorite, NYC sunny bronzer. I love this bronzer for my fair skin. It is a matte bronzer which I like, and it warms up my face and makes me not look dead! Another plus is that it's drugstore and super cheap!
NYC bronzer in sunny - $2.79 at CVS (that's crazy!)
7. My favorite blush to go to when my skin is looking a little dull and needs some life brought back to it is the Milani baked blush in Luminoso. It is a super pretty peachy color with a light golden sheen. I have to be careful not to be too heavy handed with this blush because it is quite pigmented and I am quite pale. 
Milani baked blush in Luminoso - $8.49 at CVS
8. Last but not least is my go to lip color. I have really been experiment with my lip color lately but I always go back to the Revlon lip butter in pink truffle. It is a pinky brown neutral color that is so perfect for me. It is the best everyday lip color option that I have found.
Revlon Lip Butter in Pink Truffle - $8.49 at Ulta
That's all folks!
Thanks for reading,


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Woah, it Has Been a While

Oh my goodness it has been ages since I have had the urge to hop on and write something. What can I say, I'm a busy gal. It has been close to two years since my last post so I'll give a little update on my life. I am very much still in school, it is my final semester as an undergrad and I will be starting graduate school in the fall (fingers crossed!), I have been dating the most amazing man for the past two years that I plan on marrying after the hopeful graduation from grad school.
Me and my Love!
So let's just say that time to blog has been sparse. I was just sitting on my bed this evening and thinking,  this is my last semester and it's a pretty easy one, maybe I should start blogging before all the madness of grad school begins. So people I am back and I am going to be trying my hardest to give some love to this little neglected blog of mine.

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What I'm Wearing Today

So today is just your typical Wednesday for me math at 9 english at 11 so on and so forth. It has been getting chilly around here lately so I have been looking for more ways to be comfy but also cute and stylish. I think my outfit for today has accomplished both.
 A big sweater, scarf, leggings, and boots combine nicely to walk around campus in. I know what you are thinking, "leggings as pants? gross, what is that girl thinking?". I said that to before I tried it if you have the legs to pull them off I say go for it but make sure your top or sweater in my case is long enough to cover at least part of your bum. By the way leggings as pants are quite popular at least where I go to school.
Where I got everything:
Sweater - I raided my dad's closet
Leggings - Wal-mart
Boots - Shoe Carnival
Scarf - Target
Ring - my grandmother's
Earrings - my mother's pearls

Also I have wearing a makeup look for the past few days that I am digging. Not to fussy but still nice looking.
Face Makeup
-Foundation - Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse
-Concealer - Benefit Boing
-Blush - Elf' Studio Blush in Blushing Rose (applied with a very light hand)
 and just a translucent setting powder
Eye Makeup
-Eye Primer - Urban Decay Primer Potion
-The lightest shade in the Sweet as Candy trio from Wet n Wild on my inner corner and brow bone
-A taupe color for the NYX Crimson Amulet palette on the middle and outer parts of my eyelid
-A cool tone medium brown form the same palette in the crease
-Eyeliner - Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in the color Bourbon
-Mascara - Maybelline Falsies
-EOS lipbalm (the mint one)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Update/ Random Ramblings

Hey guys I'm sorry for the lack of "good" post. I have been swamped  with school, life, and other equally fun and stressful things. So this post will be just another random ramblings post.
 I seriously can not wait for Christmas to roll around. It is my favorite holiday/time of year. I love Christmas music, cold weather and apple cider, but most of all I love getting all bundled up. Of course I keep it classy and wear tasteful appropriate for winter and cute clothes. Although I have been known to go to my Monday morning 9 o'clock class in sweat pants and uggs (sorry). But later on I will be doing a current favorites and a What I'm wearing this winter typed post.
So Halloween is tomorrow and I am so excited! For the costume ball my school puts on for homecoming week my friends and I went as taco bell sauce packets. We DIYed  our costumes out of oversized mens t-shirts and white duct tape. Lets just say it was more than we bargained for when it came to creating them. I'm still not sure if I am going to any parties tomorrow night or not because I have a test on Thursday but I'll just have to see how that pans out.
Thanks for reading and leave a comment down bellow say what you are going as for Halloween!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Random Current Love: Red by Taylor Swift

Today marks the release of Taylor Swift's new album Red, and make no mistake I bought that cd as soon as I could get my hands on it. I just wanted to share some of my favorite songs for the album so far.

I Knew You Were Trouble

And of course, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
These are just my favorites at the moment I'm sure I'll enjoy other more just depending on the mood I'm in. Please enjoy!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Midterms Suck

Yep that's right midterms suck. They made me stress like no other. One night I thought I was going to die because I had an essay due and a math exam all on the next day. Luckily though I made it through with five As and one B! I did it y'all I made it more than halfway through my first semester of college and I have great grades. I attribute this fact to having to learn to study my junior and senior years of high school. So remember studying really pays off.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Current Loves

    I haven't done a current loves in quite some time. So without further ado my current loves for September.

1. This is my most obvious choice because it the number one thing I am addicted, obsessed, practically in love with and that would be Diet Coke

    This stuff is legit crack to me. I know it isn't the healthiest but well frankly, like any druggy, I don't care.  

2. The best invention of all time- The Keurig 

Words can not describe how great this thing is in the mornings. It saves me trips and dollars from going to Starbucks every morning (even though I would love to do that). I don't have to waste coffee by making a pot I can just push a button and get a nice sized, single cup of coffee.

3. EOS lip balm.

These little babies or eggs as  call them save my lips. I use them all throughout the day. When winter comes I will probably have to stock up on more.

4. NYX Crimson Amulet Collection inspired by the movie Dark Shadows.

This palette has a nice range of colors and they are all pretty pigmented. I am not much on blush and lip palettes so that part of the collection never gets use, but if you are looking for a relatively cheap but nice array of colors and good quality eye shadows give this one a try.I got mine at Ulta but I couldn't find it on there website but I did find it on NYX's website.

Well that is it for this time I will be doing more Current Loves and more blog post in the very near future so stay tuned!