Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dorm Tour!

This is the tour of my dorm! I finally cleaned
and now I am showing it to you.
I was going to post a video of
my room but that didn't work out to well.
Also some additional info- I got a new email
address it is listed in the about me section, feel
free to email me! Or contact me on any of the
other social network sites listed!.
This is the hallway leading to my door.

This is Jasmine my roommate's dresser
and tv also the end of her bed.
Jasmine's desk and bed which she happens
to be lying on.

The food area! We have a mini fridge a
microwave and a Keurig.

This the shower curtain and half of the shelf.

My bed and a weird maintenance door in the
middle of it. I don't even know I can't open it
and frankly I am to scared to.  

My desk area and dresser. The four pictures
hanging up there were actually drawn by my mother
who is a wonderful artist.
The toliet portion of the bathroom and the
cabinet that holds various things.

Me and the sink area. That white thing
down there holds all our hair items.

The lovely view from the door and
Jasmine on her bed.

This is the view of the entry way from the door
and our closets. And that is all I got for this post
sorry the layout was so strange. I don't even know what I
am doing today.

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