Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What I'm Wearing Today

So today is just your typical Wednesday for me math at 9 english at 11 so on and so forth. It has been getting chilly around here lately so I have been looking for more ways to be comfy but also cute and stylish. I think my outfit for today has accomplished both.
 A big sweater, scarf, leggings, and boots combine nicely to walk around campus in. I know what you are thinking, "leggings as pants? gross, what is that girl thinking?". I said that to before I tried it if you have the legs to pull them off I say go for it but make sure your top or sweater in my case is long enough to cover at least part of your bum. By the way leggings as pants are quite popular at least where I go to school.
Where I got everything:
Sweater - I raided my dad's closet
Leggings - Wal-mart
Boots - Shoe Carnival
Scarf - Target
Ring - my grandmother's
Earrings - my mother's pearls

Also I have wearing a makeup look for the past few days that I am digging. Not to fussy but still nice looking.
Face Makeup
-Foundation - Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse
-Concealer - Benefit Boing
-Blush - Elf' Studio Blush in Blushing Rose (applied with a very light hand)
 and just a translucent setting powder
Eye Makeup
-Eye Primer - Urban Decay Primer Potion
-The lightest shade in the Sweet as Candy trio from Wet n Wild on my inner corner and brow bone
-A taupe color for the NYX Crimson Amulet palette on the middle and outer parts of my eyelid
-A cool tone medium brown form the same palette in the crease
-Eyeliner - Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in the color Bourbon
-Mascara - Maybelline Falsies
-EOS lipbalm (the mint one)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Update/ Random Ramblings

Hey guys I'm sorry for the lack of "good" post. I have been swamped  with school, life, and other equally fun and stressful things. So this post will be just another random ramblings post.
 I seriously can not wait for Christmas to roll around. It is my favorite holiday/time of year. I love Christmas music, cold weather and apple cider, but most of all I love getting all bundled up. Of course I keep it classy and wear tasteful appropriate for winter and cute clothes. Although I have been known to go to my Monday morning 9 o'clock class in sweat pants and uggs (sorry). But later on I will be doing a current favorites and a What I'm wearing this winter typed post.
So Halloween is tomorrow and I am so excited! For the costume ball my school puts on for homecoming week my friends and I went as taco bell sauce packets. We DIYed  our costumes out of oversized mens t-shirts and white duct tape. Lets just say it was more than we bargained for when it came to creating them. I'm still not sure if I am going to any parties tomorrow night or not because I have a test on Thursday but I'll just have to see how that pans out.
Thanks for reading and leave a comment down bellow say what you are going as for Halloween!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Random Current Love: Red by Taylor Swift

Today marks the release of Taylor Swift's new album Red, and make no mistake I bought that cd as soon as I could get my hands on it. I just wanted to share some of my favorite songs for the album so far.

I Knew You Were Trouble

And of course, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
These are just my favorites at the moment I'm sure I'll enjoy other more just depending on the mood I'm in. Please enjoy!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Midterms Suck

Yep that's right midterms suck. They made me stress like no other. One night I thought I was going to die because I had an essay due and a math exam all on the next day. Luckily though I made it through with five As and one B! I did it y'all I made it more than halfway through my first semester of college and I have great grades. I attribute this fact to having to learn to study my junior and senior years of high school. So remember studying really pays off.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Current Loves

    I haven't done a current loves in quite some time. So without further ado my current loves for September.

1. This is my most obvious choice because it the number one thing I am addicted, obsessed, practically in love with and that would be Diet Coke

    This stuff is legit crack to me. I know it isn't the healthiest but well frankly, like any druggy, I don't care.  

2. The best invention of all time- The Keurig 

Words can not describe how great this thing is in the mornings. It saves me trips and dollars from going to Starbucks every morning (even though I would love to do that). I don't have to waste coffee by making a pot I can just push a button and get a nice sized, single cup of coffee.

3. EOS lip balm.

These little babies or eggs as  call them save my lips. I use them all throughout the day. When winter comes I will probably have to stock up on more.

4. NYX Crimson Amulet Collection inspired by the movie Dark Shadows.

This palette has a nice range of colors and they are all pretty pigmented. I am not much on blush and lip palettes so that part of the collection never gets use, but if you are looking for a relatively cheap but nice array of colors and good quality eye shadows give this one a try.I got mine at Ulta but I couldn't find it on there website but I did find it on NYX's website.

Well that is it for this time I will be doing more Current Loves and more blog post in the very near future so stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dorm Tour!

This is the tour of my dorm! I finally cleaned
and now I am showing it to you.
I was going to post a video of
my room but that didn't work out to well.
Also some additional info- I got a new email
address it is listed in the about me section, feel
free to email me! Or contact me on any of the
other social network sites listed!.
This is the hallway leading to my door.

This is Jasmine my roommate's dresser
and tv also the end of her bed.
Jasmine's desk and bed which she happens
to be lying on.

The food area! We have a mini fridge a
microwave and a Keurig.

This the shower curtain and half of the shelf.

My bed and a weird maintenance door in the
middle of it. I don't even know I can't open it
and frankly I am to scared to.  

My desk area and dresser. The four pictures
hanging up there were actually drawn by my mother
who is a wonderful artist.
The toliet portion of the bathroom and the
cabinet that holds various things.

Me and the sink area. That white thing
down there holds all our hair items.

The lovely view from the door and
Jasmine on her bed.

This is the view of the entry way from the door
and our closets. And that is all I got for this post
sorry the layout was so strange. I don't even know what I
am doing today.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Just a few thoughts.

   Hey guys just a quick update I am on instagram (like everyone else is)! My user name is emilyhosler so go check me out and maybe follow or possibly like or comment.
   Also I am eating pizza rolls right now in between class because I am quite poor and cannot afford real food. I could just go to the cafeteria but oh well.
    I am going to stop typing now and review for my psychology class. And in a few days I will be posting dorm pictures but I have to clean first, so yeah.

Monday, September 24, 2012

I'm Back!

        So I am now back. I am in college and settled into my lovely dorm room. I'm having fun with friend! Studying my a** off (I have all As!) And generally enjoying life.
        It is Monday night and I am in a bit of a lull. I was bored so I thought hey why not blog!? And blog I will. I will be using this blog post to update you with everything that is going on in my life currently.

1. Did I mention I am in college now? Well the school I go is the University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM). I love it here I with insert a few pictures below of campus.

I love it here! The Bayou Desiard that runs right through campus is so pretty and nice to read by. Plus the fact that I live right on top of a Starbucks is a dream come true!

2. My dorm room is any old dark, dank, cinder block walled, cold and nightmarish place. It is really nice and open, I love it! Not to to mention the fact that my best friend is my roommate. I don't actually have any decent pictures of our room at this time but I will try t clean and take some good ones! I swear our dorm is cute. Until then I will post a picture of the view outside my window!

It is the lovely catholic church with the CCM right next to it. By the way that is a Jesus shrine.

3. When I get bored I like to do make up.

The first two are of course me and the last one is of my best friend/roommate.

4. You wanna know what my major is? I'm so glad you asked. I am a Speech Language Pathology major. don't know what that is her is a link to a really great explanation.

5. I have two favorite Youtubers I am basically obsessed with!
     1) Landon Austin what can I say about Landon Austin. Well for one his voice is a gift from God, his vlogs              are quirky and cute, and well he is just plain handsome. Did I mention he can sing.
      2) Well she is exactly a real person but just a really funny alter ego. I am talking mirandasing08. Miranda is a lovely girl who truly believes she can sing and is famous. She does covers of popular song and of course she vlogs. I literally spent two whole days watching her covers and vlog videos. She keeps me laughing and helps me to remain sane with all the homework I should be doing.
 I am really going to try to start blog once a week and keep everything up to date so stay tuned for more!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Thinking about YouTube

Hey ya'll I got a new laptop hip hip horray! That's irrelevant to this post though. I have started thinging about bringing back my youtube channel. If you don't know, which you which you probably don't, a couple years back me and my friends made vlogs in my spanish class. We haven't done a vlog together in quite some time so I have just been using it as my personal page. I just know started to want to do vlogs again. I am also thinging about doing reviews, rants, and a number of things. This revamping of my channel could be anything. Right know it is kind of well empty. If you were wanting to check it out any way here is the link -

Thursday, April 12, 2012

What I Hope My Dorm Room Will Look Like

I am going to college for the first time in the fall. So naturally I am a little excited. Me and one of my best friends will be rooming together and we non-stop talk about what our dorm will look like, what our color scheme will be, and what kind of shower curtain should we get. So I decided to do a little blog post on what I want my room to look like.

First of is bedding:
I love navy and I love white. My style is preppy with a bit of quirk too it so I think this works nicely. This duvet cover is from

I really love this color and pattern. It is girly without being overly girly. You can this duvet at

Decor is up next:

A cute framed intial out of buttons is right up my alley. I found this on pinterest. It is a DIY project.

 I really love these three mustaches on canvas they just make me smile. Also a DIY project. All you need is three blank canvas and some mustache decals.

I love this it is so colorful at pretty. Yet another DIY project.

Don't forget what you'll be eating out of:

FYI you can find all these items at

I am a huge fan of It's Alway Sunny in Philadelphia so I knew when I saw these I needed them.

C'est la Vie bowl. It has a bird and a tandem bike on it. enough said.

These utensils are adorable they even come in various black and white prints.

Yet another mustache item. This is just plain cute.

So this marks the end of this post. I don't think it will be the last of its kind so keep your eyes peeled.

My Senior Pictures are Done!

A Couple weeks ago I took my senior pictures. Ya know those pictures that go in you invites to graduation. Well I was so happy with them I decided to post a few. The girl that took my pictures is Carla Downs you can find her on facebook at Carla Downs Photography!

In some of my pictures, since I like to read, had a book theme. So excited to graduate now!
Talk to ya'll later!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Top Six for Spring

Spring is basiclly here in Louisana. We've had 70 degree weather for the past 2 weeks or so and I have already been laying out trying to get so color. Here is a list of 6 things I will be rocking this spring.

1. Floral Dresses- I love a cute floral dress on an easy day of shopping or hanging out with friends. They can be dressed down with a pair of wedges or sandals and a cardigan or they can be dressed up with a cute blazer and a pair of heels. So versital so easy!

2. Wedges or Espadrilles - I love heels! and these are just a comfy more spring/summer version of them. I could literally wear wedges everyday in the spring and summer if I didn't love flip flops and going barefoot (never in public, just in my house, and my car.... and my friends house's) so much.

3. A Mint Blazer - Blazer are really in this season but don't want just any old blazer. I have been lust all went for a mint blazer and you best believe I will soon be getting my hands on one.

4. Printed shorts - I really like to wear shorts because they are comfortable and let your legs breath after being holed up in your pants all winter. But printed short take shorts to a whole new level ( for me at least). Usual I have basic shorts like navy or black or white ( I don't own any denim short) and let my top do the talking but I am forseeing my self wearing a white v-neck tee a basic pair of wedges and printed shorts.

5. High-Low skirts - Yes, I know i have fallen victim to the high-low trend (or as I call them mullet skirts/dresses). I can't help myself they are just so flowy and romantic and would look good with my hair side braided.

6. Pastel Nail Polish - Usually I like to wear darker or a bit off-kilter but this spring I will be wearing more spring appropriate nail polish.

I have successfully made myself want to go shopping I how I made you want to go shopping to. talk to y'all later!